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What to visit in Ortigia when it rains

Even when raindrops paint the streets of Ortigia, the island continues to offer unique cultural experiences. So here are some suggestions on what to visit in Ortigia when it rains. We have two suggestions in particular, both within easy reach of our exclusive Algilà hotel, located in the heart of the island of Ortigia (discover our offers): Palazzo Borgia Impellizzeri and Museo Bellomo. Two historic residences capable of fascinating with their history and offering refuge on the grayest of days.

Cosa vedere a Ortigia quando piove? Ecco i nostri consigli
What to see in Ortigia when it rains? Here are our tips

Palazzo Borgia Impellizzeri: a plunge into noble history

In the heart of the historic center of Ortigia stands Palazzo Borgia Impellizzeri, a mansion that combines the histories of two noble families: the Borgias and the Impellizzeri. This union, dating back to 1760, has resulted in architecture that blends the post-earthquake Sicilian Baroque style of 1693 with the roots of a pre-existing Aragonese palace from 1396. The resilience of the Sicilian people is reflected in this building, transforming the ashes of the past into a vibrant place steeped in history and beauty.

Palazzo Borgia Impellizzeri a Ortigia
Palazzo Borgia Impellizzeri

The Borgia family, known worldwide thanks in part to the TV series "The Borgias", left an indelible imprint on the city's Renaissance and beyond. The family history is characterized by tumultuous events and eccentric characters. The construction of the palace was commissioned by Giuseppe Maria Borgia, sanctioning the union of these two noble families probably linked by marriage ties. Today, Palazzo Borgia Impellizzeri is a living testimony to this past full of unexpected events.

Galleria Regionale di Palazzo Bellomo, Ortigia
Discover the Regional Gallery of Palazzo Bellomo

Museo Bellomo: a journey through centuries of Sicilian art

Just a 3-minute walk from Palazzo Borgia Impellizzeri is Museo Bellomo. This museum, housed in the enchanting Palazzo Bellomo, allows visitors to see an extraordinary artistic collection spanning medieval and modern art. Its history begins in the 13th century, when the palace was built in the Swabian style, and developed through the centuries with the addition of Catalan influences and interventions during the Aragonese period.

Scopri le opere di Museo Bellomo
Discover the gallery at Museo Bellomo

The Regional Gallery of Palazzo Bellomo presents works of art exhibited following a chronological criterion, allowing visitors to take a journey through time. Among the most famous works is "The Annunciation" by Antonello da Messina, a masterpiece that blends the analytical approach of Flemish painting with the geometric-luminous perspective of the Italian school. In addition to this iconic work, the museum holds sculptures by Domenico Gagini and paintings such as "The Martyrdom of St. Lucy" by Mario Minniti, a friend of Caravaggio.


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